Application Commands

Simple Slash Command Example

The following example is a simple ping command using slash commands:

async def ping(interaction: nextcord.Interaction):
    """Simple command that responds with Pong!"""
    await interaction.response.send_message("Pong!")

The way it works is by using the slash_command() decorator to add a slash command for the bot to register with Discord.

guild_ids is used to limit the guilds that the slash command is available to. This is useful for testing as global slash commands can take up to an hour to register.

The names of slash commands and their command options must only contain lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores and be between 1 and 32 characters long.

Slash Command Options

Slash options are used to allow the user to specify additional information for the command.

Below is an example that takes a single argument, arg, and repeats it back to the user:

async def echo(interaction: nextcord.Interaction, arg: str):
    """Repeats your message that you send as an argument

    interaction: Interaction
        The interaction object
    arg: str
        The message to repeat. This is a required argument.
    await interaction.response.send_message(f"You said: {arg}")

The option can be type-hinted with int, float, or bool to change the type of the argument.

You can also set required=False in a SlashOption or set a default value to make the argument optional.

from typing import Optional

async def echo_number(
    interaction: nextcord.Interaction,
    number: Optional[int] = SlashOption(required=False)
    """Repeats your number that you send as an argument

    interaction: Interaction
        The interaction object
    arg: Optional[int]
        The number to repeat. This is an optional argument.
    if number is None:
        await interaction.response.send_message("You didn't specify a number!")
        await interaction.response.send_message(f"You said: {number}")


You can also use choices to make fields that only accept certain values.

The choices can be specified using choices in a SlashOption which can be a list of choices or a mapping of choices to their values.

async def choose_a_number(
    interaction: nextcord.Interaction,
    number: int = SlashOption(
        choices={"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3},
    """Repeats your number that you choose from a list

    interaction: Interaction
        The interaction object
    number: int
        The chosen number.
    await interaction.response.send_message(f"You chose {number}!")

You can also specify a type annotation such as nextcord.Member,, or nextcord.Role to make the command display a list of those types of objects.

async def hi(interaction: nextcord.Interaction, user: nextcord.Member):
    """Say hi to a user

    interaction: Interaction
        The interaction object
    user: nextcord.Member
        The user to say hi to.
    await interaction.response.send_message(
        f"{interaction.user} just said hi to {user.mention}"


To make a subcommand, you must first make a base slash command that will not be called and then make the subcommands on it.

Subcommands of a base command can also have subcommands, but the subcommands of a subcommand cannot. See the diagram below for an illustration.

├── subcommand-group
│   └── subcommand
└── subcommand

As shown in the demonstration below you make a main slash command and build subcommands using the subcommand() decorator on it.

async def main(interaction: nextcord.Interaction):
    This is the main slash command that will be the prefix of all commands below.
    This will never get called since it has subcommands.

@main.subcommand(description="Subcommand 1")
async def sub1(interaction: nextcord.Interaction):
    This is a subcommand of the '/main' slash command.
    It will appear in the menu as '/main sub1'.
    await interaction.response.send_message("This is subcommand 1!")

@main.subcommand(description="Subcommand 2")
async def sub2(interaction: nextcord.Interaction):
    This is another subcommand of the '/main' slash command.
    It will appear in the menu as '/main sub2'.
    await interaction.response.send_message("This is subcommand 2!")

async def main_group(interaction: nextcord.Interaction):
    This is a subcommand group of the '/main' slash command.
    All subcommands of this group will be prefixed with '/main main_group'.
    This will never get called since it has subcommands.

@main_group.subcommand(description="Subcommand group subcommand 1")
async def subsub1(interaction: nextcord.Interaction):
    This is a subcommand of the '/main main_group' subcommand group.
    It will appear in the menu as '/main main_group subsub1'.
    await interaction.response.send_message("This is a subcommand group's subcommand!")

@main_group.subcommand(description="Subcommand group subcommand 2")
async def subsub2(interaction: nextcord.Interaction):
    This is another subcommand of the '/main main_group' subcommand group.
    It will appear in the menu as '/main main_group subsub2'.
    await interaction.response.send_message("This is subcommand group subcommand 2!")

Context Menu Commands

Context menu commands display commands in the Apps section of the right-click menu of a user or message.

User Commands

Here is an example of a command that will say hi to a user that was right-clicked on.

async def hello(interaction: nextcord.Interaction, member: nextcord.Member):
    """Says hi to a user that was right-clicked on"""
    await interaction.response.send_message(f"Hello {member}!")

Message Commands

Here is an example of a message command which sends the content of the right-clicked message as an ephemeral response to the user who invoked it.

async def say(interaction: nextcord.Interaction, message: nextcord.Message):
    """Sends the content of the right-clicked message as an ephemeral response"""
    await interaction.response.send_message(message.content, ephemeral=True)

Deferred Response

Discord expects you to respond in 3 seconds, you can extend that by deferring and then sending followup in the next 15 minutes.

Responding to the interaction with defer() will show the “bot is thinking” message to the user until the followup response is sent.

Note: by default the message will be public, but you can make it visible only to the user by setting the ephemeral parameter to True.

async def hi(interaction: nextcord.Interaction):
    """Say hi to a user"""
    # defer the response, so we can take a long time to respond
    await interaction.response.defer()
    # do something that takes a long time
    await asyncio.sleep(5)
    # followup must be used after defer since a response is already sent
    await interaction.followup.send(f"Hi {interaction.user}! Thanks for waiting!")

Application Commands in Cogs

Shown below is an example of a simple command running in a cog:

class ExampleCog(commands.Cog):
    def __init__(self):
        self.count = 0

    async def slash_command_cog(self, interaction: nextcord.Interaction):
        """This is a slash command in a cog"""
        await interaction.response.send_message("Hello I am a slash command in a cog!")

Context menu commands can also be made in cogs using the nextcord.user_command() or nextcord.message_command() decorators.